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World Pharmacist's Day Celebration at Sri Aurobindo Institute of Pharmacy

World Pharmacist's Day Celebration at Sri Aurobindo Institute of Pharmacy

25th September 2023 marked a significant day in the calendar of Sri Aurobindo Institute of Pharmacy (SAIP) as the institution celebrated the World Pharmacist's Day with great zeal and fervor.

The event, held at the C.P. Tiwari Auditorium in the SAIMS campus, Indore was a testament to the dedication and commitment of pharmacists worldwide. With the theme "Pharmacist's strengthening health systems: Angadaan Mahadaan," the event aimed to shed light on the pivotal role pharmacists play in the healthcare system.

A Grand Gathering

The event witnessed a remarkable turnout, with 500 students, 28 faculties, 10 non-teaching staff, and a total of 45 participants. 

The organizing body, SAIP-Event Committee, led by event coordinators Mrs. Namrata Kushwaha, Ms. Seemu Singh, Ms. Sonam Chaturvedi, and Mrs. Neha Upadhyay, ensured that the day's proceedings went off without a hitch. Their meticulous planning and executing were evident in the smooth flow of events.

Objective and Inception

The primary objective of the World Pharmacist's Day celebration was to raise awareness among people and students about the roles and responsibilities of a pharmacist. 

The event began on a spiritual note with the lighting of the lamp, followed by the Saraswati Vandana and an inaugural classical dance. This set the tone for the day, emphasizing the sanctity and importance of the pharmacist's profession.

Following the cultural performances, the students and faculty members collectively took the Pharmacist's Oath. This solemn pledge served as a reminder of their duty towards society and the healthcare system. It was a moment of reflection and commitment, reinforcing the values and ethics that underpin the profession.

Words of Wisdom

Dr. S.C. Chaturvedi, the esteemed Director of SAIP, addressed the gathering, providing insights into the future prospects in the field of pharmacy. 

He emphasized the significance of World Pharmacist's Day and the reasons behind its celebration. His words resonated with the audience, inspiring them to strive for excellence in their chosen field.

Adding to the day's knowledge quotient, Ms. Kaustubhi Singh a student of Pharm. D. VIth Year, presented on the IPSF ASIA PACIFIC REGIONAL OFFICE. She highlighted the vast opportunities available through student federations, encouraging her peers to explore and leverage these platforms.

A Day of Learning and Fun

The celebration was not just about formalities and speeches. It was a day filled with engaging activities designed to both educate and entertain. Events such as the Fun Quiz, skit, Documentary, Poster Presentation Competition, and Pharma Rangoli Competition added vibrancy to the day. These activities, centered around the theme "ANGADAAN MAHADAAN," showcased the creativity and talent of the students.

On the day's highlights was a guest lecture by Mr. Roshan Kumar, founder and CEO of Scrollwell EDUTECH Pvt. Ltd. He enlightened the students on the use of Microsoft Excel in the field of pharmacy, offering practical insights and tips.

The Pharmacy Poster and documentary competitions were particularly noteworthy. Participants delved deep into the theme, exploring the role of pharmacists in the community. The aim was clear: to emphasize the duty and responsibility of pharmacists in community health.

Acknowledging Excellence

The day's events culminated in an award ceremony where the runner-ups and winners of various competitions were recognized for their efforts. The chief guest, Mr. Girish Pargaonkar, Head of OSD site operation at Mylan Laboratories Ltd, graced the occasion, awarding trophies and certificates to the deserving candidates.

Reflections and TakeAways

The World Pharmacist's Day Celebration was more than just a day-long event. It was a reflection of the commitment and dedication of the Sri Aurobindo Institute of Pharmacy towards its students and the broader community. The event underscored the importance of pharmacists in our society and highlighted the institute's dedication to fostering the next generation of pharmacy professionals.

For the students, it was a day of learning, interaction, and celebration. They got a clearer understanding of their roles and responsibilities and were inspired to take up the mantle of strengthening health systems. The interactions with professionals, the workshops, and the competitions provided them with a holistic view of the world of pharmacy.

In conclusion, the World Pharmacist's Day Celebration at SAIP was a grand success. It achieved its objective of raising awareness about the roles and responsibilities of pharmacists. The event also served as a platform for students to showcase their talents, interact with professionals, and get a clearer understanding of their future roles.

As the curtains came down on the celebration, it left behind memories, learnings, and a renewed sense of purpose among the students.

The Sri Aurobindo Institute of Pharmacy, with its unwavering commitment to excellence, continues to pave the way for future pharmacists, ensuring they are well-equipped to take on the challenges of the ever-evolving world of healthcare.

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