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Mastering PCB Design at SAIT: A Hands-On Workshop Recap

Mastering PCB Design at SAIT: A Hands-On Workshop Recap

The Printed Circuit Board (PCB) workshop, held by the Department of Electronics & Communication at Sri Aurobindo Institute of Technology, was much more successful compared to previous years. Through the interactive way of this master class, the students have got a wide perception of electronics components, circuit design, and PCB layout procedures. Let us see the motivating notes about each day and the useful didactic materials taught by the participants.

Day 1: Theory Meets Practice

On day one, the students were equipped with broad knowledge of electronic components and their practical use through a thorough learning of how electronic components work by Mr. Ayaz Sheikh, Assistant Professor, SAIT. This continued with an exposition by Mr. Ayaz Sheikh and Mr. Prashant Attarde. Students utilized the knowledge by putting the theory into practice while experimenting with design by utilizing breadboards.

Day 2: Exploring Eagle Software for PCB Design

Sunny morning and the second day started by going through a well-established lesson on the Eagle tool, which is a great programming tool for designing PCBs. Mr. Ayaz Sheikh and Mr. Prashant Attarde expertly led the way showcasing Eagle software in areas such as schematic capture, component placement, routing, and design rule checks. With the practice given in the workshop, students understood and used a step-by-step process for designing the PCB, making it productive and effective.

Day 3: Hands-On PCB Layout Design and Fabrication

Day 3; gave participants relaying manual design via PCB layout, and post that a soldering process was demonstrated to the skilled participants. By combining both the cognitive and ''learning-by-doing'' approaches, participants were able to build up their competencies in the design of circuits, manufacturing, and assembly of the printed circuit board during the hands-on exercises. This practice-oriented training instills a deep level of confidence in them as they can now venture into various PCB projects with ease in them.

Workshop Coordinator and Trainers

The session was directed by Mr. Ayaz Sheikh and it had the support of the training session provided by Mr. Prashant Attarde. Their competence level and advice proved to be a crucial input in the course of the workshop and added value to the general perception of all the students.

Fascinating Insights about PCB Design
  • PCBs have been used in electronic devices since the 1940s, revolutionizing the field of electronics.
  • The first PCBs were made from Bakelite, a heat-resistant plastic material, and copper foil.
  • Modern PCBs use a variety of materials, including fiberglass, epoxy resin, and copper, for enhanced durability and performance.



The PCB workshop at Sri Aurobindo Institute of Technology was an exceptional success for the students who gained exceptional knowledge and skills in PCB design and electronics. Participants were taught through the classes, given the privilege of experimenting by themselves, and had an experienced tutor until they felt confident in PCB-related project development and their capacities couldn't be underestimated. With future workshops in sight, we are proud to continue to cultivate talents and create a space of learning in the competitive area of electronics and communication.

Can't get enough of the PCB workshop? Head over to our Instagram account to relive the highlights of each day's session through photos and videos. Click here to access the Instagram post.

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